Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Mikey Show - 5/16/06

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We played Puss Rock Juke Box today with a very broke back batch of P-1 guys today. These guys were on the money with their 80's music. One P-1 actually started singing right out of the gate, as soon as he heard the song he went for it. Sean put it appropriately when he said that guy wanted to mount another mans hamstrings.

~ Eddie told us about how this past weekend he took a trip home for Mothers Day and had a little incident as the trip started. He said he was about 10 minutes into his flight when he took out his Maxim magazine and the lady next to him asked him to put it away. She told him she was offended by the pictures in it. He started to argue with her about how its not inappropriate at all but it was only making him upset. P-1's called in to tell their similar stories, one P-1 has to now attend sexual harassment training courses for having a Maxim at work.

~ We talked to Dave Navarro on the phone today. His new side project The Panic Channel is playing in San Diego tonight at Canes. He said they are a powerful melodic rock group. He told us how he thought he might sleep through the interview today so he put an pre-emptive interview on his answering machine for when we called and if he was not awake. Then Mikey got into how he offended his wife in an interview and how Carmen hung up on him and in the middle of him telling the story Dave's phone cut out, it was really weird and awkward. Don't worry, Dave is not mad at us like we had thought though.

~ Malcolm David Kelly, who plays Walt on Lost called into the show today. As Mikey put it "it was a very fruitless interview". Malcolm could not give us any info on the show. Mikey kept trying to trick the little guy into giving up information on the show but he stayed strong. He told us that he likes hanging out with Dominique Monahan, who plays Charlie, most on the set.

~ This P-1 called into the show today saying she had a really bad problem that Sky could sympathize with. She explained that her cat that she has had for almost 10 years is really sick and needs surgery but her husband does not want to fork over the two thousand dollars for it. She did not know what to do and wanted Sky's advice. Sky asked if she had pet insurance and told her that she has a policy for each of her cats. Mikey thought that was ridiculous and also thought that there should be a limit to how much you spend on your animals. P-1's called in to tell their experiences. This one P-1 chick spent seven grand on her dog and it still died.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Cheaters Hotel. Comedian Craig Gass returns for Craig Gass Theater.


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