Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Mikey Show Recap Wed. August 16, 2006

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We played Mikey's Gay Pod today. The first P-1 to call in asked how many songs Mikey had on his I Pod and Mikey told him over four thousand and the P-1 one replied that the first song would be gay. He was right. Its not tough to win in Mikey's Gay Pod, we heard some solo Steve Perry songs and REM along with the un-gay Pantera.

~ Mikey read us an email he received from a P-1 that addressed a situation that we have all been in and some of us are the cause. The letter talk about this P-1's friend's pet and how every time he goes to his buddy's house the dog jumps on him. He went on to say that he was fed up with it and the last time that he went over the dog head butted him in the junk and he instinctively hit the dog. We discussed how some people do not have a clue as to how bad their pets can annoy guests and that they should put the pets away when they have people over or just not have people over at all.

~ During the whole pet debate, Ashlee made a comment about B. Rob and how he treats his dog. B. Rob disagreed and they went at it. Then Mikey brought up the fact that they had been at each others necks all week. They kept at it and started fighting about everything that had been going on between the two of them all week, it was pretty uncomfortable.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… A Brand New Game Called "Mini-Bar Price is Right".


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