Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Mikey Show Recap Thursday Oct. 18, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ Joe Rogan came in to the studio today. He has some real strong feeling on Carlos Mencia and joke stealing. Mikey told Joe that he wanted to mend the bridge between the two and Joe was not having it. Joe explained the reason why they have not been friends for 12 years. He explained how he has seen Carlos do a Chapelle bit verbatim and that in any other profession, if you steal something from someone else its copyright infringement but in comedy the comics are not protected. We also found out that Joe will never get married. He told us that he does not want the government in his relationship and that marriage is just a legal contract. Joe will be performing tonight at the Copley Symphony Hall and he told us how he has kicked hecklers out of his stand up before because everyone is there to have a good time and they ruin it. He told us that when that has happened he buys the crown a round on him (which has come to over a thousand dollars at times).

~ B. Rob took a trip downtown for "What Ya Doin' At The Court House?". B. Rob ran into some interesting folk down at the court house like the guy who played the victim while telling B that he called his wife up and told her that "he was going to smack the sh*t out of her". Then another guy who would not give too much information to B except that it involved drugs and guns. Then another "victim" who was pissed that the cops took his gun while searching his place while having a search warrant.

~ We played Tone Deaf Karaoke today. Today was a really tough batch of songs Ashlee sung. We did not have a single P-1 figure out any of the songs. Ashlee sang some Jewel and U2.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… The return of Bombed at the Beach.


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