Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Wed. Jan. 3, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ B. Rob's eating disorder. While talking about an HBO documentary and how this chick on it would not eat a cupcake because of her eating disorder, Mikey tried to get B. Rob to eat a cupcake. B. Rob had the same reaction as the chick and flipped out. Everyone tried telling him that he has an eating disorder but he tried to explain that he is dieting. Everyone was confused because they think he can not lose any more weight.

~ Shawne Merriman called into the show today. Shawne told us that he does not look forward to any particular team to play in the playoffs as long as the are wearing an opposing helmet. He said that he will work out almost every day up to the game and maybe take a day off to rest once. When we asked Shawne about the whole Jason Taylor incident, he told us that after Jason Taylor made the remarks that Shawne should not get an award, Shawne sent him a "Lights Out" t shirt and hat along with some popcorn with a note that read "watch me in the playoffs".

~ Tyrone and Tortilla made a appearance on the show. Eddie got an email about interviewing a real life Klingon and could not pass this up. Klingon's are from Star Trek and this guy that T & T got on the show was doing the interview as Dok Mar, a klingon. T and T busted this guy up from the start, claiming that he was a racist from space and that a lot of things that go on in space are very racist. Tyrone asked why he made all the black people ride in the back of the space ship and the guy lost it and came out of character pretty upset. It was hilarious.

~ Mikey announced the Chargers Rally that is happening next week. It will be at the Q in section F2. It will be very similar to the last rally we had except that Mikey is going to be at this one and this one is open to the public (not just Hession's friends). The rally will begin a week from today, promptly at 3 and end around 6:30, Chargers cheerleaders and players will be there.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Tone Deaf Karaoke.


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