Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mikey Show Recap 3-20-07

~ Today on the Mikey Show we announced that Ashlee would not be joining us for the rest of the week due to a situation on yesterday's show. Without getting into extreme detail, Ashlee slept in during what was supposed to be a best-of show on Monday. Shauna called up Mikey threatening to fire her for these actions, but Mikey told her to talk with Ashlee first before making such a rash decision. Ashlee admitted to Shauna that she may have a drinking problem, and would seek some professional help. In light of this, Shauna suspended her for one week with the condition that she find a rehabilitation center. This week, Boston Rob will be temporarily replaced by Bobby Kernels, as Rob covers her position. We all wish Ashlee the best of luck, and hold her in our prayers as she recovers.

~ P1 Matt called up to complain about his fiancé, P1 Jamie, and her family's overbearing involvement in their wedding. P1s called in with similar stories about family members taking the spotlight in weddings, pulling it away from the bride. Some P1s suggested that a family who is overbearing during the wedding will also continue these practices during the course of the marriage, until it falls apart under their hands.

~ A P1 listener sent us an old clip from The Mikey Show back in 2003. Ted Nugent called up and spoke with Sky about the positive effects of hunting… This is a kind way of saying they had an on-air brawl where Sky got tormented for her liberal views by Ted, who, in his defense, made some very convincing statements about the importance of the hunter's role in our current habitats.

~ Mark Wahlberg called in this morning to talk about his new movie, Shooter, in which he playa an ex-marine sniper who is rehired to stop an assassination attempt on the president, but instead gets shot, himself, and must find out who was responsible. Being a huge P.T. Anderson fan, Mikey talked to Mark about his role in Boogie Nights, as well as some of the key films that led him to this point in his career, mainly The Departed.

Tomorrow on the show… P1 Love Connection


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