Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Mikey Show Recap 4-18-07

Today on the Mikey Show…

Mikey got an E-mail from P-1 Steph, whose boyfriend recently told her that he was not interested in marriage or children for a while. We brought it our expert, Dr. Phil, whom Mikey spotted early this morning making cookies in an E-Z Bake oven in the Clear Channel bathroom… Snickerdoodles, to be exact… Steph was advised by Dr. Phil, who just couldn’t remember her name, that she couldn’t change him.

We played P-1 Love Connection today. We couldn’t get a hold of P-1 John, so we had P-1 Rick fill in. P-1 Heidi was in the studio today, and was absolutely gorgeous. She questioned the guys and eventually picked P-1 Brian. They’ll be going out to Poway Sushi Lounge tonight, and we’ll be following up with them tomorrow morning.

Today was a day that will live in infamy… We played a game called “Who can Sean Beat Now?” where Sean (a.k.a. Big Tuna) and a P-1 play a game of “80s name that tune” Sean is No-no-notorious for winning every time. Big Tuna was on a roll today, beating the first two P-1s, but when we got to P-1 Bathhouse… he just gave up. It was as if his will to live, his soul, his memory of everything 80s… just disappeared. We tried to revive him, with no luck… Congrats, P-1 Bathhouse… for dethroning a national hero.

Today's Podcast
Eddie let Sky try some of his gorgonzola pasta, without telling her there was gorgonzola in it. Sky LOVED it, but she refused to believe that it contained a lot of gorgonzola… so we called the restaurant, Nicolosi's, where the cook told us that there were 6 heaping tablespoons of cheese in every plate. We tried to get Sky to try anchovies, which we were sure she would love… as long as she didn't know what they were.

For this Friday's Home Run Derby, B Rob announced that if he loses… HE’S GOING TO SHAVE OFF HIS DREADS!!!! Eddie, who has his WEDDING coming up, also agreed to shave his head if he loses. Either way, it’s going to be crazy. They’ll be competing this Friday; at 7 a.m. Directions can be found at

Tomorrow on the Mikey Show…
Tough Love With Eddie!


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