Monday, June 04, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Monday June 4, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ Ashlee loves giving Bobby a hard time over things he has messed up and they got into it again today. Ashlee explained to us that Bobby does not listen to her and she has to tell him things repeatedly for them to get done. Today Ashlee told us that she asked him to CC her on an email which he didn’t and he said that it was because he did not know whether to put a semicolon or comma when putting two people on the cc part of the email. Eddie said that it was poetic justice for all the times he has to deal with Ashlee.

~ We talked about the people that hate the people that wears sports jerseys. Some people think its fine to wear a team jersey at the game but no where else. Eddie and B. Rob think its okay to rock jerseys where ever when ever. Crush-it does not think you should wear a sports jersey ever and called in to say that its wrong because you did not achieve the things that the player did and should not wear the jersey. He also added that he thinks people that wear jerseys are trying to be that player.

~ We played P-1 Trivia today and P-1 Yeska Tribe was beaten out by P-1 Mary. Some of the questions that the P-1's had to answer were "who referred the mud wrestling match at Hooters, what two nationalities are Sky, What was Mikey's radio name while at a AC station and what is the name of The Mikey Show's second best of CD?"

~ We played P-1 Pop Culture Quiz today. Eddie had some trouble in today's competition. The first contender picked the Beatles for the category. Eddie took a wild shot in the dark for his first question and luckily got it correct but then lost in the tie breaker. Then he lost to the next contestant in the category of Cancelled TV Shows. He finally came back at the end to get a win.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… The Return of everybody's favorite duo Tyrone and Tortilla.


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