Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Thursday Oct. 18, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We started a new segment on the show called Bizarre Foods with Boston Rob. This is where we take exotic and weird foods from far away lands and make B. Rob try it. Today we ventured to the Philippines and B. Rob ate Balout. Balout is a half developed duck embryo. B. Rob ended up throwing up and if you missed it, the video is on our webpage along with the pod cast.

~ From NBC's Football Night in America, Andrea Kramer called into the show. She talked to us about being in the business for 20 years and that the worst part of the job can be the weather, she explained that they will be in Denver this week and that the weather is expected to be 10 degrees with the chill factor. Sky then chimed in during the interview starting off with saying that "I don't know who you are" only to follow that with " I googled you and found you on a "would you do me" site", to no one's surprise she was pretty offended. If you missed this it is also on the podcast section of our web site and its brilliant.

~ We had some Tough Love with Eddie today. Eddie helped out a guy who him and his boy had a lot of trouble scoring with the ladies, he wanted Eddie's advice on why he was having trouble. The second P-1 that Eddie helped heal was a guy whose wife was a real beating and was with holding sex because he would go hunting, he needed Eddie's expertise when it came to beatings. The final email was about a guy who was recently divorced and in his late 40's. He explained that he was only attracted to girls in there young 20's and wanted Eddie's take. 

~ We debuted a new song from Ashlee and B. Rob about their recent fighting. They did a remake of the Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow song Picture. In the song they both took shots at each other and it didn't seem like they were making up but it did help quiet the fighting for today.

~ We did a Cheaters Hotel today. P-1 Elise was trying to find out if her boyfriend was cheating on her because her friend told her that she seen him out to lunch with another woman. When we ended up getting him on the line and asking for a name he said his lady's name. When we got to talking to him he explained that he was on a client lunch because he is a sales guy. The chick was excited and happy but her man was not too enthused.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Sky try's to decipher idiot in Ashlee Pyramid.


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