Friday, August 25, 2006

Mikey Show Recap Friday August 25, 2006

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ Former terrorist Kamal Saleem called into the show today. This was a fascinating interview. He told us about his personal story of how he converted from Islam to Christianity. He told us about how terrorist believe that western culture is intruding their ancient ways and that is a big reason why they hate Americans. If you missed the interview you have to listen to it (its very compelling) it is on the Mikey Show website,

~ Mikey's brother Sam called into the show to tell us how his birthday party went last night. Sam invited B. Rob and Ashlee but did not invite anyone else on the show including his own brother. Then Sam went on to tell us about Ashlee and her hugs where she molests you and that was the reason he shook her hand. He said his co-workers were star struck to meet her.

~ Mikey told us about the trouble he and his wife are going through designing Jake's room. Mikey told us that he wants some Winnie the pooh designs on the walls for Jake to look at but his wife wants it to be more of a pottery barn atmosphere. Mikey said that he thinks that it would be better for Jake to have kids designs but his wife is not a fan of traditional little kid designs.

~ We had a discussion about how the morning after pill is now over the counter. Ashlee make a great point today and revealed to us that this really upset her. She said that now younger people might think that they don't need to wear condoms because this pill will be so readily available for them.

Next week on The Mikey Show…P-1 Balderdash.


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