Monday, January 15, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Monday Jan. 15, 2006

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We had another Mikey Show Questionnaire.  Today we learned that if Eddie and Ashlee were President and had to pick a Vice President, it would be B. Rob. If Mikey had to have someone lay out his outfit for him in the morning he would have Ashlee do it. Eddie said that if he was on his death bed he would want Ashlee to be his caretaker. Sean would pick Sky as his V.P. and Sky would have Sean as hers. B. Rob would let Ashlee take care of his pets as well as share all of his secrets with.

~ We played P-1 Pop Culture Quiz today. Eddie went undefeated today. The P-1's tried to out smart him in a few different categories like the Rocky movies and Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. Eddie held it down even after going into a few tie breaker rounds and on top of all that he was doped up on cold medication.

~ Mikey got an email from this broad about how men and women can both be football fans. Mikey was talking about having to explain a loss such as the one the Chargers took yesterday against the Patriots to a young fan like your son. Mikey kept addressing the situation as if he would only have to explain it to a boy. This P-1 lady wrote him saying that her two daughters are just as big of fans as she is. She went on to say that she is a bigger fan than her husband and that women can be big sports fans and sometimes even more than guys. Mikey and Eddie talked about how it is very annoying when chicks try to impress guys with their sports knowledge with the exception of Ashlee talking about the UFC.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… The man who inspired the movie Invincible, Vince Papale.


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