Friday, March 23, 2007

Mikey Show Recap 3-23-07

Today on the Mikey Show…

We began the show talking about the pet food recall that has being going on recently. Most of the food involved is wet food in cans and pouches, which Mikey brought up as being "trashy" food to feed your pet. This brought up a number of issues that we spoke about, including the idea of putting pet food on or in human food containers. Sky brought up that she usually uses a paper plate to feed her cat's food on and also mentioned that she uses a plastic cup to rinse her razor in when shaving. Mikey reminded Sky that the use of so many disposable items was interesting for an environmentalist liberal to be mentioning. Sky didn't bother responding.

Mikey brought up a question that we were throwing around the other day about how far some people would travel to get food. P1s called in with their travel stories; some went up to LA for Sonic Burgers, others went to Arizona for taco shops, and Rob mentioned that he would travel as far as he needed to for a Dunkin' Donuts, because there weren't any in San Diego. Rob said that he has searched everywhere, from asking P1s to Googling the Internet, with no luck on any San Diego locations. A P1 called in and said he knew where one was, but before we could get to him, we lost the connection. Unfortunately, now Rob will never know…

P1 Jess, the winner of P1 Trivia this week, won a chance to hang out in the studio today, and stayed mostly quiet until she mentioned to Sky that she had brought her a present. Sky then opened up an envelope to reveal a thoughtful $20 gift certificate to the Honey baked Ham store. After much harassment from Mikey and Eddie for such a gift, Sky calmly stated that "It's the thought that counts" which shocked us because we weren't implying that it was a bad gift…

We opened up the phone lines to P1s and received an interesting call from a female P1 who was furious about her sister's wedding. Her sister was getting married in the Caribbean at the Atlantis hotel and expected her to spend thousands of dollars to make it there less than two months from now. P1s called in and gave their 2 cents about whether or not it was a means of filtering out the wedding party to make sure only those who truly wanted to be there could go. Even in silent protest from the earlier gift card incident, Sky attempted to chime in though any means necessary, in this case through Internet chat.

We got a call from NFL superstar, Reggie Bush, with whom we spoke to about career highlights and future career moves. Reggie also spoke about an organization he is affiliated with called Camp 619, which provides a free non-contract boys and girls foot ball program for youth between the ages of 7 and 17.

Ashlee stopped in briefly before she leaves for her Rehabilitation Clinic. In case you missed it, she will be there for most of next month, with Boston Rob temporarily filling in for her and Bobby Kernels filling in for B Rob. We wish her the best of luck and hope that her experience is a positive one.

Monday on the Mikey Show…

P1 Pop Culture Quiz


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