Monday, June 11, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Monday June 11, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ The first Dumb Chick Challenge took place today. Sky, Ashlee and B. Rob went head to head in a trivia challenge to see who was the smartest of the dumbest. We had to shorten the game because no one was getting any questions correct. Some of the questions that were answered incorrectly were: Sky saying that the pilgrims arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1842, Ashlee not knowing who George Harrison is and B. Rob thinking that beavers lived in a damn.

~ Chris Cornell called into the show today. He talked to us about his solo album and told us that the last thing he does on the album is title the tracks. He told us that the way he came about to cover Billy Jean was that he was just messing around playing the song and people liked it. He said he has messed around with other songs like Hotel California and Little Red Corvette. He told us that he believes he was cut out to be a dad and that his kids will request for him to sing Black Hole Sun to them.

~ We got a call from a P-1 who was wondering what we would think of her situation. She told us that she got hurt skiing and tore her ACL. She was considering marrying her boyfriend of two years for the insurance. She said she was in love but it came across like she wanted the insurance more. Eddie thought that you should never do that and a P-1 commented on it saying that this was why the divorce rate was so high in the country.

~ We played P-1 Trivia today. Today B. Rob could not get good P-1's on the line, he got P-1 Felon, who scares Mikey, and P-1 Deranged who Mikey had to hang up on because she is crazy. We finally got a lady on the line that was not nuts. She ended up losing to P-1 Felon who will be coming in the studio, which makes us all wicked nervous.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Dr. Phil makes an appearance and shares his backwoods hick advice.


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