Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Wed. June 27, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ Today while Mikey was talking about women that are in their late thirties and are not married have something wrong with them. This chick called in actually looking for a roommate for the Cabo Cruise and ended up talking to Mikey about how she is 37 and single and likes it that way. She came down to the studio today so Mikey could interview her. We found out about past relationships and Mikey figured she was into guys that are unattainable. Eddie said she was a beating, which might have had something to do with it. She is now Mikey's experiment and he is going to coach her in how to get a man.

~ The Driving Challenge between Ashlee and B. Rob is going down tomorrow. It is going down at 7 am at the Sports Arena. Mikey announced the types of challenges they are going to have to perform. The first is weaving in between cones, the next is a parallel parking challenge, the final one is the Brady Bunch egg on cone challenge. There is no a bet on the table, if B. Rob loses he has to dress as a Yankees cheerleader saying he loves the Yankees and if Ashlee loses she has to dress like Paris Hilton and have a sign saying Paris is better than her. The loser will also have to be overly nice to the other for a day.

~ Mike announced that the band Switch Foot will be playing in the studio on Monday. They are coming in the studio to play an acoustic set. Mikey explained how he will be wicked nervous because he is such a fan of their music. He told us that one of their songs is him and his wife's' wedding song. 

~ Dr. Phil came on the show today to dish out some of his backwoods advice. We got an email from a P-1 guy who has a real problem with his wife's driving. He said he fears for his life when he has to drive with her and that she has totaled 3 of their cars. Dr. Phil basically bashed women drivers the entire time.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… B. Rob and Ashlee Driving Challenge at the Sports Arena.


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