Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Tuesday July 24, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We played another Dumb Chick Challenge today. Today Boston Rob won it by answering "Who was President after Nixon?" and by getting the question "Who was President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?" correct. Sky could not figure out what city was called Music City.

~ We played Wuss Rock Juke Box today. Today the batch of guys we had play sucked, thanks to Boston Rob. So there were no great songs being sung. We heard some Phil Collins "In Your Eyes" but as soon as the P-1 started singing, it ruined everything.

~ Mikey got an email from this guy about his wife always being late. The P-1 guy was at the end of the line with his lady and her tardiness. Mikey said that there is a psychology to people always being late and we talked to some P-1's who are those late people. Mikey concluded that some of them like chaos in their lives. Then we talked to B. Dub (who is always late) and got his take on why he is always late. Lew Bush called in to explain his tardiness and how he knows that he should leave at a certain time but something always side tracks him.

~ Lindsey Lohan got another DUI and we were all over that story this morning. The news came in as soon as we got on the air that Miss Lohan had been arrested and facing alleged DUI charges. We kept getting information through out the show and the stuff kept getting crazier and crazier. She was released from jail almost immediately and now is in rehab again

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show... From Date Line NBC Chris Hansen.


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