Thursday, November 01, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Thursday Nov. 1st, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We found out the results of Boston Rob's DNA test results today. B. Rob walked us through his day and how everything played out for him. He explained that when he made the initial call the lady who was working there tried to rush him off the phone. She eventually told him that he would have to call back because they could not find his results. B. Rob had to be reminded from Zeth in a text message later to call them and when he did he found out that the baby was NOT his.

~ We had another grotesque segment of Bizarre foods with Boston Rob today. Today was one of the most horrendous things, I Boston Rob, believe to be a food item. I ate a thing called Mud Fish, which is a disgusting fish to begin with, that is fermented in a bunch of gross fermentation stuff anyways. The stench of it permeated in the studio all morning and is still on my fingers (which I practically cloroxed to get the smell off). The video is on our site

~ We spoke with Harvey Levin of TMZ today. In the news today, there was some wicked scandalous audio of Dog The Bounty Hunter talking about how he uses the "N" word. Harvey talked to us about how that audio got out, explaining that his son must of recorded the conversation and was not in good relations with his father to leak that to the press. Harvey also told us that tonight on TMZ, they have the surveillance video of Paris Hilton in the porno shop in Canada throwing a fuss about them selling her sex tape.

~ We played Tone Deaf Karaoke today. We heard Ashlee's rendition of Donna Summer - She works hard for the money, which was impossible and no one figured out. We also heard her sing songs from Nickleback and Fiona Apple. For some reason Ashlee didn't seem to have her heart into it so we asked her what was wrong and she said it was because our program director, Shauna, told her in a meeting that she didn't like tone deaf. So we brought Shauna in to talk to Ashlee about it and Shauna defended herself by saying "Honesty is my policy" but she quickly changed her tune when she actually was a contestant and had fun doing it.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Live from The "Q" Joe Rogan.


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