Monday, March 26, 2007

The Mikey Show Recap 3-26-07

Today on the Mikey Show

Early on, Sky mentioned that she often will make up choreographed music videos for songs that she hears. Her pride was a video written for Gwen Stefani’s song, “Wind it Up,” where the dancers are dressed up like wind-up dolls that dance to the music. Eddie chimed in, stating that her idea for “wind it up” with “wind up dolls” is probably the most un-original thing that he’d ever heard. The duel went on for the course of the show; later on, Eddie compared the idea to someone coming up with using purple-colored rain in the “Purple Rain” video.

We played P-1 Pop Culture today. In this game, P-1s go up against Eddie in a trivia game involving pop culture. Every P-1 except P-1 Alfonzo got annihilated by Eddie. P-1 Alfonzo answered a Lord of the Rings tie breaker question and won tickets to go see the Good Guys Car Show.

The late Anna Nicole’s autopsy was today, and we listened in to the press release done by ### about what her cause of death was. ###’s accent was extremely thick; it was hard for anyone to understand him. Curious of what nationality he was, we challenged Sky to find out such a trivial fact. Not more than 30 seconds later, Sky tells us that he is Romanian. Sky is the Google Master. Honestly, listening to just the audio, all any of us could picture was Dracula in front of a galley of Press Conference mics reading from a script. By the end of the conference, we had probably made about a hundred different vampire references, and from now on, are going to have a hard time hearing that voice and not thinking of Prince Vlad… ah, children of ze night…

We received an E-mail from a P-1 who explained that his brother, who is 35, is moving back in with his parents. This brought up an interesting topic of whether or not, under any circumstances, it is okay to live with your parents after you’ve passed your mid-20s. A number of P-1s called in and related to this story; either one’s who had a family member who did the same, or they themselves were the ones who moved back in. One P-1 had a father who still lived with his parents at the age of 42! Another one called and said that she dated a guy who was in his 30s and lived with his parents. They still did his laundry, bought his clothes, and even gave him money for them to go out on dates with!

Today we have away our first of five Apple Mac books that we will be giving away this week. As you probably recall, last week we announced for p-1s to send in their PC horror stories to Mikey, and we would pick the story that touched us the most. P-1 Airianna wrote in that, while giving a PowerPoint presentation to upper faculty members at the School District she works for, a virus that had been on her computer started flashing up inappropriate pop-ups to the point in which she had to unplug her computer. After plugging it back in, she found it unable to boot up, and lost her extensive list of grades for all of her classes.

We also played P-1 Trivia today, where P-1s call in and play a trivia game devoted to questions about The Mikey Show. P1 Matt went up against P1 Krysta in a “best out of five” tournament, however, both P-1s tied at the end with 5 out of 5 for each! We decided to make an exception and let both of them come into the show and hang out in the studio this Friday.

Tomorrow on the Mikey Show…


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wanna win a Macbook sooo bad! Arg!

Monday, March 26, 2007  

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