Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Mikey Show Recap 11/06/07

Today on the Mikey Show

~ We had Slash from Velvet Revolver call in to talk bout his new book titled "Slash". He said that one story that is getting a lot of attention is when at a hotel in Arizona he was hallucinating and ran over a maid, got sued and almost got arrested. He also explained how "Welcome to the Jungle" came together. He said that he actually wrote the riff for that song on an acoustic guitar with a distortion pedal and that it was the first song Guns and Roses had ever written.

~ Our boy, Omar, from the promotions department came in and shared his brothers story with us. His brother, Esteban, has been fighting Leukemia for quite some time now and he reached out to us last week asking for prayer. He said that since then his brother has been showing signs of improvement. He is giving the "thumbs up" and squeezing hands. Omar said that it truly was a miracle because the dr. gave him little chance of recovering. So keep Esteban and his family with your prayers and good vibes, they seem to be working!

~ William Shatner called in and Sean nearly wet himself with excitement. As soon as William got on the line he spent a solid five minutes talking about names with "y" sounds at the end of them like Mikey and Eddie, then he demanded that we refer to him as Billy or he wouldn't answer any questions. Mikey then gave Billy a little taste of his George Takei impression which Shatner told him to "retire". He was a strange guy but a great interview nonetheless.

~ We played another game of cell phone mishaps. A P1 who called herself "boyfriend killer" called in and told us about the time her sister called and forgot to hang up the phone and  proceeded to hook up with "killer's" boyfriend while she listened. She then told us that her sister had done the same thing with her boyfriend after she had broken up with the guy. I think this chick needs new friends…too bad you're stuck with family.

Tomorrow on the Mikey Show….Another installment of cheater's hotel.


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