Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Tuesday Nov. 27, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show...
~ We played Wuss Rock Juke Box today. We heard a great rendition of Whitney Houston's "How Will I Know" where the lyrics got changed to "I want to hold hands with another man". Then we heard REO Speed wagon's "Keep on Loving You" where the P-1 nailed it in falsetto. We then had a P-1, out of no where, sing "Genie in a Bottle".

~ We had another installment of Cell Phone Mishaps today. We got a call from this P-1 lady who is having a wedding soon. Her best friend called her accidentally while talking smack about the wedding. This P-1 guy called us who owns a detailing shop and has an Asian customer who he and a co-worker impersonate from time to time. He explained that he got a call who he thought was his co-worker doing the accent and he started doing it back only to find out that it was actually the customer.

~ Mikey got an email from this guy today who recently had a baby. The email went on to tell us that his wife was breast feeding but she was doing it everywhere and not in private. They were at his family's house this past Thanksgiving and she did it there while his brother and cousin watched. The guy wanted some advice on how to get her to not do it in public. Mikey had to call in Dr. Phil, who told the guy to put super glue in his wife's maternity bra and that should solve the problem.

~ Mikey brought up that when he was younger him and a friend went behind his house in an alley and set his back fence on fire. We started talking about times that we almost set stuff on fire, Eddie said that when he was younger he almost started an entire field on fire and B. Rob told us about burning his bedroom window when he left a candle going during a house party. We took calls from P-1's who had almost lit stuff on fire from their garage to their neighbors camper.

~ We played P-1 Trivia today. Today was one of the best trivia games we have ever played. The two P-1's didn't hold back at all today, they went right for the throat. We heard some great questions like "who has a brother who owns the company Rock Star Hot Dogs?" and "what is the new game not he show where you guess the lyrics of songs?".

~ We talked about weird things we do in our sleep or weird things our significant others do in their sleep. Eddie had a few complaints about his wife talking, crying and even laughing out loud in her sleep. Sky told us that when she was younger she would sleep walk. Mikey's wife IM'ed Eddie saying that Mikey farts in his sleep. We got calls from P-1's telling us all kind of weird things like fighting things and breaking fingers to screaming in their sleep.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show... We try and help find out if some one is in an unhealthy relationship with Cheaters Hotel.


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