Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Tuesday Nov. 13, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show...
~ Dr. Phil stopped by the studio looking all professional but not having professional intentions. We received an email from this P-1 lady saying that she was planning a trip to Ireland and her best friend wanted to go with her. The problem was that her friend never picks up her portion of the bill, she is what we call a free luncher. Dr. Phil tried to give advice but mostly referenced Sky and her free lunching ways, Dr. Phil even "accidentally" called the P-1 Sky once.

~ We talked about if we had the ability to freeze time what would you do. Eddie told us that he would freeze time to look at ladies that he knows in the nude, just to see what their good looked like. Mikey said that he would use it to do things that he couldn't do normally like check out famous peoples houses or see the cockpit of a plane. Sean said he would use it to take the best paparazzi photos and make a ton of money off of them. Sky said she would use it to figure out a way to rob big businesses a.k.a. "the man". B. Rob said he would use it to take pictures of celebs in compromising positions and make money off the pictures along with using it to pull pranks.

~ We all said who we would cast for each other if there was ever a Mikey Show movie. Mikey was casted as George Lopez, Danny Devito, Benecio Deltoro and Jason Alexander. Eddie was cast as Vince Vaughn and Will Ferrell. Sky was cast as Julia Roberts and Susan Soranden. Ashlee got cast as Jessica Simpson, Jessica Alba and Tara Reid. Sean got cast mostly as Brad Garret but also John Goodman. B. Rob got cast as Matt Damon, Casey Affleck, and Johnny Depp. Zeth got cast mostly as Charlie Brown but also got Tom from Blink 182.

~ Sky told us she had to borrow money from a stranger while at Vons the other day. She explained that she went shopping, waiting in a long line and finally when she was all ready to pay she realized she had forgot her wallet back at her house. She had been talking with another lady in line and eventually asked her to let her borrow money to pay for her food. This was astonishing to all of us and the guys said they would of had the cashier put the groceries on the side and ran home to grab their wallet. That led us into Sky and what she will be going on at her house for this Thanksgiving. She explained that there might not be a Honey Baked Ham this Thanksgiving.

~ We discussed recent discoveries in our lives. Eddie told us that he had never had Popeye's chicken and always went to KFC. He said he will now never go back and that Popeye's was the greatest chicken he had ever eaten. Mikey told us that he recently discovered egg nog. He always thought it was gross but just happened to take a chance and try it and now he loves it. The guys want Sky to try it but she refuses.

~ We played Wuss Rock Juke Box this morning. The legendary P-1 Buckley played this morning but told us that he was a little rusty from a late night in Hillcrest last night. He could not pull off the first song so we gave hi a second chance and he killed it. We also heard a P-1 sing a reference Hank Bauer saying that he saw LT in the nude.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show... We debut a brand new game called Lyrical Gangsta


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