Thursday, November 08, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Thursday Nov. 8, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show...
~ We had another installment of Bizarre Foods with Boston Rob. Today's food is actually outlawed in certain establishments in Malaysia. The food is a fruit called Durian and is not allowed in hotels and certain modes of public transportation in Malaysia. We had to do this Bizarre Foods outside of the building because the stench is so bad. B. Rob said it smelt like New Jersey and the description of the fruit said it would smell of a mix between onions and turpentine. B. Rob threw up almost right away, if you missed this, the video will be up on the site later today.

~ We spoke with Rampage Jackson today. He called us and told us that he was in Atlanta promoting his new energy drink at some convenience store. Rampage said that his next fight should be either in February or March. He talked to us about acting in movies and told us about the movie he has coming out soon called Midnight Meat Train. We found out that his home town of Memphis had given him the key to the city and Mikey burst his bubble when he let Rampage know that the actual key doesn't really do anything. We also found out that Rampage is a video game junkie and will be playing himself when the new UFC game comes out for PS3.

~ Jon Lovitz former SNL cast member came into the studio today. He is opening a comedy club in downtown San Diego at the Aubergine club. He is playing there this weekend and told us that David Spade will be doing his set next weekend. Jon talked to us about the fight between him and Andy Dick. He told us that it all started when Andy was hammered and said to him that he put the "Phil Hartman Hex" on him and that he was the next one to die. He told us that the next time he saw Andy and Andy did not apologize is when things got physical. He also talked to us about Andy playing a role in Phil Hartman's death and providing drugs for Hartman's wife. It was a really intense interview and you can check it out on the pod cast if you missed it.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show... Tough Love with our boy Eddie, he will dish out the brutal honest and hysterical truth P-1's need to hear.


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