Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mikey Show Recap Wed. Nov. 14, 2007

Today on The Mikey Show...
~ We had another edition of Sean TV today. Sean told us about the show called Keeping up with the Kardashions on E! network. This show follows around the family of the deceased Robert Kardashion. Sean told us that the mother pretty much whores out the daughters to anyone she can to get them work. The clip from the show Sean played for us today was of the daughters dealing with the of their father all while working at the fashion boutique that they own. Then he told us about how later in the episode one of the daughters got a DUI after trying to drown her sorrows in alcohol.

~ We had a Cheaters Hotel today. P1 Trish had wrote us concerning her brother and his girlfriend, this was a first and kind of weird to us. She went to school with her brothers girlfriend and explained to us that she "knows what kind of girl she is" meaning that she is a serious flirt. She believed that her brother's girlfriend was cheating on him and wanted to bust her on the radio.

~ We played a new game today called Lyrical Gangsta. This is a game where P-1's have to know the lyrics to songs. Mikey will ask them a question pertaining to the lyrics of a song and they will have five seconds to give us an answer. Today some of the questions asked were "In Jane's Addiction's song Been Caught Stealing, how old was he?", "In the Journey song Don't Stop Believing', where was the midnight train going?" and "Where does Kelly Clarkson never stray too far from in one of her songs?".

~ Eddie announced to everyone on the show that he thinks he is ready to go back to the dentist. He explained to us that he has had a fear of the dentist ever since he was non-sexually abused by the dentist he went to when he was a kid. The dentist used to yell at him along with the other kids that saw him and eventually was fired. It has been about 7 years since his last visit and he believes he is ready to make his return. Mikey asked for listeners to call in with their dentist horror stories. We heard from a P1 who woke up in the middle of getting his wisdom teeth removed and another p1 who had the spit sucker suck up all the Novocain he was supposed to receive in his gums.

~ Sky tried egg nog today and it was wicked under whelming. Yesterday while talking about new discoveries we have made in our lives, she told us she has never had egg nog. We practically had to force her to try it and she finally did but hated it. A P-1 called and said we should start a new bit called Normal Foods with Sky.

~ We spoke with Kyla Ebbert, the chick who was told she was wearing inappropriate attire on the South West flight. We got a press release today that said she posed for the Playboy website. Originally she said that she was not going to do it but everyone has a price. She told us that it was much different that being degraded in front of people and that it was really classy, that’s why she did it. She could not tell us how much she got paid for it.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show... From the Travel Channel's  Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern, Andrew Zimmern will be calling in. And in a eerie coincidence we also have Bizarre Foods with Boston Rob where B. Rob will eat another delicacy from a foreign place.


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