Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mikey Show Recap Wed. July 5, 2006

Today on The Mikey Show…

~ We played Mikeys' Gay Pod. Today we had no winners which is really weird for this game because as long as you guess low you can win. Mikey had some really gay stuff on his Ipod today. We even heard a Michael Bolton song, no one should ever listen to that.

~ Mikey told the story of Ashlee's birthday dinner. This was crazy. There were about 20 people all out to dinner and Mikey stood up to thank everyone for coming and tell Ashlee that its her special day and then he told Booby Kernals that Sky, Eddie and himself would be buying Bobby's dinner. It was all good and funny until they looked over at Ashlee and saw that she was crying. From then on the rest of the night was very awkward for Mikey. He did not mean it in a mean way he has nothing but love for Ashlee it was only a joke.

~ We played Is Shauna at Work Yet? Today. The P-1 won today because he played it safe and said that she would not be at work and of course she wasn't.

~ We talked about traffic and Mikey wondered if people even listened to it or used it for there morning commute. Mikey told us that he does not understand a thing when he hears the traffic because it goes by so quick. We got Rick, who does our traffic, on the line and he told us that they have to fit so much in so little time. Rick is one of the top traffic guys around and gave a traffic live on the spot and killed it. We had P-1's call in and tell us that they depend on the traffic for their commute everyday.

Tomorrow on The Mikey Show… Tone Deaf Karaoke with our special lady Ashlee.


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